Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rants in the kitchen?! Oh no!

Alright... so lets talk about women. The Available Single type.

You ready?

Lets go!

They don't exist. Nope. Not at all. Ok ok... the partially exist. Single women exist yea... but available is a bit broad. Its like a job... you tell them that you're available for work from open to close, but the reality is you may not want to open or close... ever. Thats the same with women. Sure they may be "available" but not available to YOU. Sometimes... yea... I see why they'd have that filter... few of them have it to spamblock the dumbasses and good for nothing no goal having cheating self absorbed assholes. The other say 85-90%, have the gate (EQ class is in effect right now) set so that the good guys with brains, respect, goals, etc can't get through. So if you're one of the latter... they might as well be married or taken (some ARE taken... but only in their mind. Funny thing is... its enough for them to not be available to you). It's the same effect. I think its even worse if you're an intelligent black guy... like myself. Black, White, Latina women all seem to want the same thing if they go for a black guy... a dumbass. Then they go and complain about him, eventually getting to the point where they say fuck it and never date another black guy ever again (excluding black women... IMO they're rarely attracted to men outside their race). Asian women on the other hand very rarely date any one outside of their own circle if they do... they aim brighter and whiter. Seeing that the dumbass and black archetype is so popular with the media... i don't really blame them. I do find it unfair... but i can't say that they don't exist. Barrack Obama is one of the few intelligent black (i know he's mixed but most people call him black anyways) men that we see all the time, but if he wasn't Pres. he'd just be considered an uncle tom (more often anyways). Same goes for his wife... but there's been more intelligent black women in the media, for ex: Oprah who is a near billionaire. But back to being intelligent, male AND black... i feel like in the world of dating... instead of doors opening... they shut with the only available door usually being the door that says "White Women". Not that there's anything wrong with white women... they can be just as attractive or unattractive as anyone else. I said that they go for the dumbasses earlier which yea some of them do... but they also seem to like a smart black man. Idk if that seems more familiar to them as far as what their parents are like or... actually scratch that... there are black women like that as well... if they have intelligent and successful parents buts its kind of opposite with them... they usually go for the white guy over the smart blackie. This rant is starting to just spill all over the place with no resolution or ending... so i'm just gonna stop for now. It can go one for hours...days...weeks.... etc.

However i'm gonna make final statement:

Yes...I am black.
I have goals.
I am intelligent.
I have respect.
I have humility.
All of these.. great qualities in a person.

Really... there's no reason I should have difficulty with the "fairer" sex. However all those in the same pot make for a stew people are afraid to try. Afraid its not gonna be good. Its not familiar.

I know what you're saying "blah blah blah... going for the wrong women.". These are all the types. All roads seem to lead to the same dead end with no detours.

Its stupid.


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